Personal Styling - our favorite base combination
Personal Styling - our favorite base combination
Are you feeling lost in your wardrobe? Do you have a ton of clothes at home that you keep saying 'I'll wear that next time' but you never end up wearing them? Are you having struggles finding the rights pants for your body?
Trust us, you are not alone in having these problems! And we have the solution to your problems with our online-course!
This compilation of subjects will get you started in the world of Personal Styling. Whether you want to start your journey to becoming a Personal Stylist or just get a better grasp on your own style and wardrobe - this trio is for you!
This course includes the topics:
- Style Identities
- Color Theory
- Body Shapes
Our most appreciated and highly sought-after topics have been carefully curated into a convenient mini-course, ideal for those seeking to embark on a journey without a significant time investment.
- Video Lessons
- Presentations
- Self assessment exercises to deepen your knowledge
- Quizzes
- Ebooks